MLRC 2025
Welcome to the home of ML Reproducibility Challenge. This is an annual event promoting research into reproducibility of Machine Learning literature. (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7). This conference is an unique venue in the Machine Learning community to share, disseminate and discuss reproducible methods and tools, investigate reproducibility of papers accepted for publication at top conferences, and test generalizability of scientific findings by adding novel insights and empirical results.
- 🔔 MLRC 2025 Call for Papers is out! Checkout our announcement blog post.
We are happy to announce that the Princeton Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence is hosting MLRC 2025, which will be held in-person as a one-day conference, a Princeton University, NJ, USA on August 21st, 2025. The conference will be single-track, with a mix of invited talks, oral presentations and poster sessions. Checkout our announcement blog for more details!
Important Dates
- Submit to TMLR OpenReview:
- Deadline to share your intent to submit a TMLR paper to MLRC: February 21st, 2025 at the following form:
- This form requires that you provide a link to your TMLR submission. Once it gets accepted (if it isn’t already), you should then update the same form with your paper camera ready details.
- Cutoff deadline for receiving TMLR decisions: June 20th, 2025
- Deadline for announcing accepted papers: June 27th, 2025
- Conference day: August 21st, 2025 at Princeton University, NJ, USA
General Chair
- Koustuv Sinha, Meta
Program Chairs
- Jessica Forde, Brown University
- Adina Williams, Meta
- Angela Fan, Meta
- Mike Rabbat, Meta
- Naila Murray, Meta
Local Chairs
- Arvind Narayanan, Princeton University, Senior Local Chair
- Peter Henderson, Princeton University, Local Chair
Senior Program Chair
- Joelle Pineau, Meta / Mila - Quebec AI / McGill University
- For queries related to the conference, please contact us at and o
- Follow us on Social media for updates: Twitter (@repro_challenge), BlueSky (